Thursday, June 22, 2017

Best By Date

Are you past your best by date? Or expiration date? Or whatever you want to call it?

I actually know a little something something about determining expiration dates, and there’s usually a decent fudge factor involved. But botulism is botulism, so hey.

I was talking with a friend the other day about their dissatisfaction with the status quo. I have my own complaints about the status quo, so in preaching to both of us I recommended changing up something. The scenery. What you’re doing for self-care. What you’re reading. What you’re praying.

Or, you know, clean out the pantry.

The further down this road I get the more astonished I get at all the things and people that have fallen off the back of the truck. Some I thought would be riding shotgun … or at least backseat driving … hmm.

I general avoid haunted houses, and that’s where ghosts live, so …


I skipped posting last week because I had nothing new to say. I’m working on self-care and self-reflection. I pondered this piece of paper I keep tucked in my calendar. Yes, I keep a paper calendar. Life is better that way.

If you’re familiar with Marcus Buckingham and his “strength” books, these are my top five. Most are self-explanatory. Maximizer means I prefer to take things from good to great, as opposed to handling train wrecks and lost causes. Interesting.

I had to laugh at a meme I saw this week. Rather than copy and paste, I’ll quote the edited version here.

“I have a pretty big a**, so when I half a** something, you’re still getting something impressive.”


And perhaps some insight into why I have angst lately … I’ve not had much choice but to half a** several things with my hands (and my mouth?) tied behind my back. I don’t mind the opportunity to unravel the occasional train wreck or to address the needs of a lost cause that in reality has potential. Forever the optimist, I like the challenge.

But the lack of … well, there’s a long list. Best summed up by ...


I’ll have a convo with Juan Valdez about it. And keep searching for my joy.

And eat some avocado enchiladas. Self care.
And keep moving down the road.

And keep looking up.

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